common ground

[ˈkɔmən ɡraund]
  • 释义
  • 共同点;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    We should seek common ground and reserve differences on this issue.


  • 2、

    Seek common ground on major questions while reserving differences on minor ones.


  • 3、

    Seek common ground on major issues while reserving differences on minor ones.


  • 4、

    The two rival parties have no common ground between them.


  • 5、

    Now it is time to find common ground.


  • 6、

    We're standing on common ground and can relate easily ( albeit physically ) on the court.

    我们起点相同并且可以在球场上毫不费力地 ( 管仅是身体上 ) 系起来.

  • 7、

    A dog official & profiteer common ground : Has no way to reason with!

    奸商 & 狗官一个共同点: 没法讲理!

  • 8、

    But he's skeptical about finding common ground among notions of reality from art, science, and spirituality.

    但是他怀疑从中寻找共同点的观念与现实的艺术 、 科学, 精神相违背.

  • 9、

    What surprise us is that he and his brother shares almost no common ground.


  • 10、

    We stand on common ground.


  • 11、

    Bob and Frank don't like each other because they have no common ground.


  • 12、

    This has been an extraordinary election. It can point us all to a new common ground.


  • 13、

    That will be one common ground we will have.


  • 14、

    S. envoy Christopher Hill says common ground with the North Koreans is emerging.


  • 15、

    So perhaps common ground might be found after all.


  • 16、

    Paul shows no point of contact epistomoligically, no common ground of rationality or reason.

    保罗认为两种知识论之间没有接触点; 没有共同的立足地,没有理性的共通点.

  • 17、

    He said he was a good man, a good policeman, and they could find common ground.

    他说他是个好人, 是个好警察, 他们一定能找到一些共同点.

  • 18、

    Common ground is told, it is person, machine, net, library 4 element.

    通俗地讲, 就是人 、 机 、 网 、 库四个要素.

  • 19、

    This book summarizes that common ground.


  • 20、

    Actually, we are on common ground to share our joy and cheerfulness with others.


  • 21、

    As if life has no common ground.


  • 22、

    I do not see that we have any common ground on which we meet.


  • 23、

    If he has any common ground words with Chen Jiaming, that is the perfect principle.

    如果说他跟陈家明有什么共同点的话, 那就是完美主义.

  • 24、

    Alleged account, common ground says is true history.

    所谓信史, 通俗地说就是真实的历史.

  • 25、

    Finally reaching common ground, Rodger announces to Kushiro that their thinking is parallel.

    最终达成共识, 罗杰对久代说他们的思维是平行的.

  • 26、

    That must always form the basis upon which we find common ground.


  • 27、

    Another reason for withdrawing to a semantical plane is to find common ground on to argue.


  • 28、

    It also seeks common ground with Nigeria's homophobic Muslims.


  • 29、

    Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground.

